Bruce D. Lagman, Phoenix, Arizona - 5/7/14
I am in receipt of your recent email reminding me of your TV covers store. If memory serves me correctly, it is rare of you to send out emails (unlike other businesses with whom I have a relationship that bombard me with reminders and solicitations ad nauseam) as I don’t recall having received one since my TV cover purchase many years ago. I must thank you for not cluttering up my inbox.
The purpose of my reply is to let you know how satisfied I am with your cover. As necessity would have it, I purchased many covers at the same time probably three or four years ago: Patio furniture covers, a BBQ cover and your TV cover. I live in the Phoenix, Arizona area and can’t imagine a place more brutal for any kind of cover due to our intense summer heat and routine summer storms.
The cover scoreboard currently reads: Furniture covers from Frontgate – brittle and torn, currently useless and filed under “Don’t ever buy those pieces of s**t again no matter how wonderful they make it sound in the catalog cause it only lasts for one season.” BBQ cover from – brittle with holes throughout, feels like rigor mortis has set in, but still functioning as a partial cover and filed under “Buy only as a disposable piece of s**t made to last about two years”. TV cover from TV Cover Store – dirty from massive dust storms over three or four full seasons of summer monsoon activity. Still completely intact and functional and pliable. Zippers and Velcro work like they did the day I bought it and the cover still seals well enough to prevent the most violent of dust storms from penetration that would undoubtedly ruin my TV. I have filed your cover under “Unbelievable quality that has well surpassed my stringent and sometimes unreasonable guidelines for value. I have granted this product and the company that produced it my highest recommendation and unwavering commitment to future purchases”.
I bought a relatively cheap flat panel TV off Craigslist, because my expectation was the heat and dust would destroy it in a year’s time regardless of how I tried to protect it, but that TV is not showing any signs of degradation from the elements. A little embarrassed to admit it, but I have forged a relationship with this TV cover and find myself going outside just to marvel at its sturdy build and unwillingness to relent to the ridiculous Arizona weather. There are times, when I am alone, where I will advertently spill some water on my covered TV only to watch the rejected water bead up and roll off like a request to my wife for certain nighttime favors.
Now, an odd phenomenon has occurred where I believe the value of the cover has actually exceeded the value of the very TV it protects. I am perplexed as I don’t know if, as a show of respect, I should store the cover inside the house and let the TV just fend for itself or I should find a way to fashion a makeshift shelter out of the TV to protect the cover. I’m sure I will endure and resolve my dilemma, but you should know it is a damn fine dilemma. In a world where nothing seems constructed with any real measure of care or consideration beyond relative profitability it is so refreshing to have experienced something as simple and inconsequential, but yet remarkable, as a TV cover and to have it reestablish one’s faith in mankind. Or manufacturing kind, if you will.
Thank you kindly. Please feel free to send me all the emails you find appropriate and necessary. As long as you have people in places (and you obviously do) who believe that quality still matters I will do my part to see that you are wildly successful. I am sincerely impressed and grateful for your product and company.
A Customer For Life,